Boualem SANSAL: From Galeries LAFAYETTE to Galeries LAHAYETTE
*In Arabic, LAHAYETTE means: Without a trace of life
When boarding the plane in Paris that was to take him to Algeria, the scholar Boualem SANSAL was far from imagining that he would live a remake of the American science fiction film “Back to the Future,” in which he would become, “against his will,” the hero.
“Back to the Future” was supposed to be a unique film, however, its commercial success led to two sequels, “Back to the Future 2” and “Back to the Future 3,” forming a trilogy.
Thus, we hope that Robert ZEMECKIS, the excellent director of this trilogy, may one day think of a new installment, which would undoubtedly be “Back to the Future 4,” dedicated to Boualem SANSAL’s surreal journey in Totali’land.
This sad episode in international news, marked by the arbitrary and scandalous kidnapping of a man of letters, soon to be octogenarian and seriously ill, will unfortunately, once again, highlight the unbearable weakness of the Élysée and the Quai d’Orsay in the face of an Algerian regime excessively bold while diplomatically isolated and ostracized by nations.
The Franco-Algerian relationship truly today resembles a shameful deal: “I offer you flattery and submission in exchange for which you offer me snubs and humiliations.”
Yes, for the past ten years, France has been regularly mistreated by the Algerian regime in increasingly irreverent terms. This kind of relationship with a country, Algeria, which clearly does not master diplomatic codes, must end.
To remind, the day after Boualem SANSAL’s kidnapping at Algiers airport, because it was indeed a kidnapping, voices in France, the homeland of human rights, rose in very polite terms to condemn the unjustifiable brutality of the Algerian regime.
In response to these civilized and largely justified condemnations, the APS (Algerian official press agency) responded, as usual, in a vulgar manner with very serious lapses in language. Abhorrent missteps unworthy of a country that is a member of the UN.
Thus, calling the President of the French Republic “Macronitosionniste,” a term unknown in France but also in Algeria, is an unbearable insult directed at all Western democracies, which remain unwaveringly committed to the protection of human rights.
This time, the target of the Algerian regime in this “chamber-pot” incident was Emmanuel Macron, tomorrow it could be the Spanish prime minister or his Belgian counterpart. That’s why the response to the Algerian generals should be European and even global. The recent outcry from European parliamentarians in Brussels shows that a strong European response to Algeria is possible and, above all, necessary.
Many voices, including parliamentarians, journalists, and writers… firmly demand that France establish a distanced relationship with current Algeria. Some even mention “the necessary trivialization of the Franco-Algerian relationship.” Former Prime Minister Raymond BAR had also mentioned this in his time.
The recent assumption of office by President Donald TRUMP in the United States should seriously calm the Algerian junta, which seems paralyzed by this man.
Proof of this is Algeria’s unconditional acceptance of receiving the first quota of 306 illegal Algerian migrants whom the United States is preparing to expel. Mr. MACRON will appreciate this, as he had been unable to secure the expulsion of an Algerian citizen under OQTF.
It is evident that while Tebboune has been particularly insolent towards his French counterpart, he has undoubtedly shown submission before his American counterpart. Could the saying “the carrot or the stick” be more relevant here?
One thing seems certain: the Franco-Algerian relationship will no longer be the same, there will be a before and after SANSAL.
The movie “Back to the Future” tells the story of a teenager who travels to the past, to ancient times.